Mort & Anthropologie.

Soins palliatifs, Ritualité, Mémoire, Deuil, Suicide assisté, Ethique, Esthétique, Technologie, Corps, Fin de vie, Croyance, Pratique professionnelle, Crémation, Catastrophe,

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Deathlogging: Social Life Beyond the Grave The Post-Mortem Uses of Social Networking Sites

Hélène Bourdeloie et Martin Julier-Costes, 2016, in Stefan Selke (ed.), Lifelogging. Digital self-tracking and Lifelogging – between disruptive technology and cultural transformation, Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 129-150.

“Lifelogging” refers to the saving and archiving of data concerning one’s own life. With the rise of online social platforms, this practice is very much on the increase. Echoing this trend, questions now arise about the status and future of post-mortem digital identity in the experience of the bereaved. These are questions underpin- ning an ongoing research project in France1 that we are currently working on and which forms basis of the present study.

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