Bodies matter: a social sciences’ perspective
16 septembre 2016 - Marc-Antoine BerthodThe University of Health Sciences (HESAV), Technique en radiologie médicale Department, in partnership with the University Center of Legal Medicine (CURML) in Lausanne organizes a HESAV International Training Module Exchange in Forensic Radiography (HITMEFR).
As a consequence of the use of radiological imaging techniques, and as part of routine forensic investigations, the forensic radiographer has become a specific member in the medicolegal team.
Forensic radiography has also emerged as a challenging and specific subspecialty of radiography and has enlarged the traditional professional role and skills of radiographers. This course is an introduction to Forensic Radiography and an initiation into its practice aimed at undergraduate BSc Radiography students.
The course entitled ‘Bodies matter: a social sciences’ perspective’ is part of this module. It is structured in three parts, allowing the students to get a better sense of sociological and anthropological issues regarding the professional intervention towards the dead: 1. Dealing with the Dead; 2. Anatomy, Autopsy, and Embalming; 3. The Technological Life of the Corpses.
Marc-Antoine Berthod
International Module Exchange in Forensic Radiography, Haute école de santé (HESAV), Lausanne, 16 et 21 septembre, et 11 octobre 2016 (same class given in 2015 and 2013).